
A Complete Guide to Knowing the Ruby Gemstone Cost

The fascination with gemstones does not get any better than rubies; here are the most interesting facts about them. As the red colored precious stones, rubies have been associated with love and power due to their scarcity. Nevertheless, if your focus is on buying a ruby, then, it is imperative that you know about the  ruby gemstone cost. In this particular article, factors affecting the prices of the rubies shall be discussed and perhaps insights shall be given to assist.

Elements that Influence the Ruby gemstone price

  1. Color Quality

Color quality is probably one of the most important factors influencing the cost of ruby gemstone. Barbian, the best gem, has the most desirable redness, and it is described by the term ‘pigeon blood’. Usually, the rubies that are under this category tend to fetch higher prices in the market. Different colors can notably affect the price which is higher for stones of lighter or excessively dark shades.

  1. Clarity

Clarity is defined as the internal characteristics of the stone, inclusions or faults being present inside the stone. In general, and as the inclusions number decreases, the mentioned rubies have a higher clarity, and therefore the price is going to be higher as well. It is also important for you to understand there are those that you will find in natural rubies but if they are free from marks, the ruby gemstone cost will always be higher. It is only possible to evaluate the clarity of the stone with the help of a magnification glass.

  1. Carat Weight

Similar to most gems, the size of the ruby is stated in carats and this necessarily affects the price of ruby gemstone. Important classes of rubies are the big stones and the small rubies; the larger rubies are scarcer than the smaller ones hence it commands a higher price. But the price increase is not proportional; a one carat ruby may cost much less per carat than the two carats ruby. Understanding the size cost relationship is something that needs to be well understood by the buyers.

  1. Origin

In addition, the source of a ruby has the potential of affecting its price in the market today. Another interpretation of the worn ruby is that if the gem originated from famous areas like Myanmar or Thailand that it possesses more worth because of the history and not to mention the quality of the stone. Ruby’s cost has so much to do with its geographical origin because places produce different rubies with some distinct colors which make them valuable.

  1. Treatment

It is imperative to mention here that majority of rubiesляє currently classified in the market have been subjected to some kind of treatment or the other to improve their looks. These are some of common treatments that the polymer may undergo such as heating to enhance colour and transmission. Treated rubies, in contrast, are cheaper in terms of ruby gemstone price as compared with the untreated ones. When purchasing it is important to enquire whether the ruby has undergone any treatment that might have been done on it as this will impact on the value of the gem as well as the durability of the stone.

Making Decisions: How to Set A Fair Price

To ensure you are paying a fair ruby gemstone cost, consider the following steps:consider the following steps:

  1. Research Market Prices

It is also important to spend sometime and get to understand the market prices for rubies before you engage in the purchase. Typically, information on price ranges can be easily obtained from the internet shared by websites with relevance to gemology institutes and jewelry retail shops.

  1. Seek Expert Appraisals

One way of getting the right estimate of the value of a ruby is by taking the ruby to a certified gemologist. An expert is also able to evaluate the quality of the gemstone and give you detailed reports about the gemstone and let you know how that particular feature affects the ruby gemstone cost.

  1. Buy from Reputable Sources

Luckily, you can buy natural rubies from reputable jewelers or gem dealers, which will guarantee that what you get is good quality at an appropriate price for the rarity of the stone. When choosing which ruby dealer to go for, ensure that you choose one that offers certs and information as to origin and any treatments undergone by the ruby.


Thus, it can be concluded that the cost of the ruby gemstone depends on color, clarity, carat weight, origin, and any treatment made to it. That is why, knowing these elements helps to make a decision on purchasing a ruby more carefully. Whether you are in the market for a beautiful piece of jewelry or buying an investment, one must know the dynamics of the ruby gemstone cost so as to make the right decision.

If you consider and search well enough, it is possible to get a beautiful ruby to your liking and preference in the market. In any case, the issue here is not the price, but the beauty of the jewel and its story. Happy gemstone hunting!

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